ERROR 2: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given
0 Error occurred on in function get_class
1 called from line 589 of file DB.php in function isError
2 called from line 550 of file DB.php in function connect
3 called from line 92 of file functions.php in function check_db
4 called from line 616 of file session.php in function require_once
5 called from line 69 of file config.php in function require_once
6 called from line 30 of file editconfig.php
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given in /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/DB.php on line 589
ERROR 2: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given
0 Error occurred on in function get_class
1 called from line 589 of file DB.php in function isError
2 called from line 550 of file DB.php in function connect
3 called from line 92 of file functions.php in function check_db
4 called from line 616 of file session.php in function require_once
5 called from line 69 of file config.php in function require_once
6 called from line 30 of file editconfig.php
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given in /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/DB.php on line 589
ERROR 2: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given
0 Error occurred on in function get_class
1 called from line 589 of file DB.php in function isError
2 called from line 550 of file DB.php in function connect
3 called from line 92 of file functions.php in function check_db
4 called from line 616 of file session.php in function require_once
5 called from line 69 of file config.php in function require_once
6 called from line 30 of file editconfig.php
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given in /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/DB.php on line 589
ERROR 2: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given
0 Error occurred on in function get_class
1 called from line 589 of file DB.php in function isError
2 called from line 685 of file DB.php in function errorMessage
3 called from line 888 of file DB.php in function DB_Error
4 called from line 563 of file PEAR.php in function raiseError
5 called from line 1849 of file common.php in function raiseError
6 called from line 249 of file mysql.php in function connect
7 called from line 555 of file DB.php in function connect
8 called from line 92 of file functions.php in function check_db
9 called from line 616 of file session.php in function require_once
10 called from line 69 of file config.php in function require_once
11 called from line 30 of file editconfig.php
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given in /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/DB.php on line 589
ERROR 2: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given
0 Error occurred on in function get_class
1 called from line 589 of file DB.php in function isError
2 called from line 550 of file DB.php in function connect
3 called from line 92 of file functions.php in function check_db
4 called from line 178 of file sanity_check.php in function require_once
5 called from line 33 of file editconfig.php
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given in /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/DB.php on line 589
ERROR 2: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given
0 Error occurred on in function get_class
1 called from line 589 of file DB.php in function isError
2 called from line 550 of file DB.php in function connect
3 called from line 92 of file functions.php in function check_db
4 called from line 178 of file sanity_check.php in function require_once
5 called from line 33 of file editconfig.php
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given in /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/DB.php on line 589
ERROR 2: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given
0 Error occurred on in function get_class
1 called from line 589 of file DB.php in function isError
2 called from line 550 of file DB.php in function connect
3 called from line 92 of file functions.php in function check_db
4 called from line 178 of file sanity_check.php in function require_once
5 called from line 33 of file editconfig.php
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given in /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/DB.php on line 589
ERROR 2: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given
0 Error occurred on in function get_class
1 called from line 589 of file DB.php in function isError
2 called from line 685 of file DB.php in function errorMessage
3 called from line 888 of file DB.php in function DB_Error
4 called from line 563 of file PEAR.php in function raiseError
5 called from line 1849 of file common.php in function raiseError
6 called from line 249 of file mysql.php in function connect
7 called from line 555 of file DB.php in function connect
8 called from line 92 of file functions.php in function check_db
9 called from line 178 of file sanity_check.php in function require_once
10 called from line 33 of file editconfig.php
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given in /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/DB.php on line 589
ERROR 2: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given
0 Error occurred on in function get_class
1 called from line 589 of file DB.php in function isError
2 called from line 550 of file DB.php in function connect
3 called from line 92 of file functions.php in function check_db
4 called from line 41 of file editconfig.php
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given in /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/DB.php on line 589
ERROR 2: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given
0 Error occurred on in function get_class
1 called from line 589 of file DB.php in function isError
2 called from line 550 of file DB.php in function connect
3 called from line 92 of file functions.php in function check_db
4 called from line 41 of file editconfig.php
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given in /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/DB.php on line 589
ERROR 2: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given
0 Error occurred on in function get_class
1 called from line 589 of file DB.php in function isError
2 called from line 550 of file DB.php in function connect
3 called from line 92 of file functions.php in function check_db
4 called from line 41 of file editconfig.php
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given in /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/DB.php on line 589
ERROR 2: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given
0 Error occurred on in function get_class
1 called from line 589 of file DB.php in function isError
2 called from line 685 of file DB.php in function errorMessage
3 called from line 888 of file DB.php in function DB_Error
4 called from line 563 of file PEAR.php in function raiseError
5 called from line 1849 of file common.php in function raiseError
6 called from line 249 of file mysql.php in function connect
7 called from line 555 of file DB.php in function connect
8 called from line 92 of file functions.php in function check_db
9 called from line 41 of file editconfig.php
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, integer given in /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/DB.php on line 589
ERROR 2: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/includes/functions.php:371)
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/includes/functions.php:371) in /var/www/web34/html/php_ahnen_prgm/includes/functions_print.php on line 523
PhpGedView Konfiguration - PhpGedView
Die Datei config.php kann nicht geschrieben werden.
Ihre aktuelle Datenbank-Konfiguration ist unzulässig. Bitte überprüfen Sie ihre Datenbankverbindungsparameter und konfigurieren Sie diese neu. DB Error: connect failed [nativecode=mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using the old insecure authentication. Please use an administration tool to reset your password with the command SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('your_existing_password'). This will store a new, and more secure, hash value in mysql.user. If this user is used in other scripts executed by PHP 5.2 or earlier you might need to remove the old-passwords flag from your my.cnf file] ** Array
Aus Sicherheitsgründen müssen Sie immer Datenbank-Benutzernamen und -Kennwort eingeben, wenn Sie die Konfiguration verändern.